Welcome To Ladywood Primary School

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Eco School



At Ladywood, every class has an Eco representative, to help monitor our recycling, water and energy usage. This is our current Eco Team holding the Green Flag we were awarded last year for all our great work around school and in our curriculum.

Take a look at our current Action Plan. This shows our targeted areas for this academic year. Our school Eco code and some of the other work we have been up to this year.

We are always promoting recycling!




We take part in the Big Battery Hunt so please send any used batteries you have at home into school so we can make sure they are recycled correctly.

Throughout the year we hold uniform & Christmas jumper swaps making sure pre-loved clothing doesn’t end up in landfill.



As MODESHIFT STARS winners we encourage everyone in school to start their day by walking, scooting or park and striding to school. This is not only good for our bodies and mental well-being but also for the environment.

We also ask smokers to stay away from the school entrance, to allow everyone a healthier start and end to their day.

We are lucky to have lots of space for every class to get involved with growing plants and vegetables. We all planted a sunflower for Earth Day this year to take home to encourage pollinators into our gardens.

We are always working on and improving areas around school that encourage wildlife and biodiversity. We have been lucky to receive trees that have been donated by The Woodlands Trust. Why not check out their website to see if you can benefit too.



Ladywood takes part in many different Eco events throughout the year, including National Bee Day, Earth Day, World Ocean Day, The Big Garden Birdwatch Event and Outdoor Learning Day to name just a few. We are always sending suggestions of things to do at home to be more Eco friendly such as water saving tips and ideas of how to get outside and enjoy all that nature has to offer. Keep an eye out on the school Dojo page for regular updates and newsletters throughout the year. 

Ladywood would like to thank the whole of our school community, for getting involved and supporting the many schemes and initiatives we have done. Let's keep up the good work and keep making a difference to the environment, and a positive future for us all.